What are the best ways to avoid taking or giving STDs?

334 views  March 18, 2019

If you are little cautious and don't give into the rush of hormones, you can always safeguard yourself from giving or taking STDs. The following are to be strictly followed to play it safe.

-          Be honest about your health and communicate it with your partner.

-          Your partner may be in the best of shape, but still make sure he or she doesn’t have any open wounds or bumps in her private parts or over other portions of her / his skin.

-          Be sure to gently inspect his or her body by touching before indulging in penetrative sex.

-          Learn safe ways to indulge in manual, oral, vaginal and anal sex.  If you couldn't learn from tons of tips available in the net, you can always consult a sexologist and follow his or her recommendations diligently to stay safe.

-          InstallSTDChecker App and make sure you get vaccines periodically.

-          Get tested every six month and visit your doctor atleast once in six months to ensure you are in sound health.

-          Insist on protected sex with a new partner(s) and get tested often even if you are in a monogamous and long-term relationship with a single partner.

-          Always pay attention to symptoms. If you find anything uncomfortable, painful, itching, rashes, then you should immediately visit your physician without a delay. Remember, early detection of STDs is very vital for getting a complete cure.

-          Ask questions, post your doubts on relevant forums and get yourself clarified. Don’t leave anything to chance and suffer.

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